Assignment 5 – Gesture Recognition on an Android Phone with an Arduino
In this assignment, you will be making a gesture detector like in Assignment 2. The machine learning part will still happen on the phone, just like before, but the sensing part will happen on the Arduino. The Arduino will be mounted on your body using the 3D printed part you made in Assignment 4. The accelerometer/gyroscope data should get transmitted from the Arduino to the phone and then processed to show the name of the predicted gesture on the phone. You are free to whatever code you want from earlier assignments.
- (50 points) We will briefly examine your code to ensure that you are using some form of machine learning to idenify which gesture is being performed.
- (50 points) You will perform each gesture 3 times with the phone in your hand. -5 points for each extra mistake.
Starting Materials:
Link to BLE tutorial: linkStarter code for Android: link
Starter code for Arduino: link
Source code (.zip, .tar, or GitHub link): link
In-class demo