Assignment 3 - Step Counting on an Arduino
You will recreate your step counter from Assignment 1 on an Arduino. Your algorithm can be the exact same as it was before (assuming it worked well), or you can completely change the algorithm. Like before, you can assume that the Arduino is in a fixed position in your hand. The step count should be displayed in binary using the 5 NeoPixel LEDs along the left side of the board. Although only 4 LEDs are needed, using 5 LEDs allows your board to clearly show if your step counter is over-counting. LED #0 should be the least significant bit, LED #1 the second least significant bit, etc.
- (50 points) We will briefly examine your code to ensure that you are using some form of signal processing to calculate a step count.
- (50 points) To test your app's performance, you will take 10 steps with the phone in your hand during class. You will get full credit if your step counter is within 1 (i.e., it estimates 9-11). -5 points for each extra or missing step.
Source code (.zip, .tar, or GitHub link): link
In-class demo