Assignment 1 - Step Counting on an Android Phone
You will build your first Android app that uses the built-in sensors for something useful. This app will count the number of steps that you have taken and show that number on the screen. You will be using the raw data from the accelerometer and/or gyroscope to complete this task. The data will require some very simple signal processing. You can use peak detection, zero crossing, or your own technique for counting. You can assume the user only holds the phone in a fixed posture in their hands. You are welcome to assume a different placement or posture of the phone, but please be sure to document how the device needs to be held somewhere on the interface.
- (50 points) We will briefly examine your code to ensure that you are using some form of signal processing to calculate a step count.
- (50 points) To test your app's performance, you will take 10 steps with the phone in your hand during class. You will get full credit if your step counter is within 1 (i.e., it estimates 9-11). -5 points for each extra or missing step.
Starting Materials:
Starter code: linkInstructions for setting up the Huawei Honor 4 phone: link
Source code (.zip, .tar, or GitHub link): link
In-class demo