November 13, 2024:
Interviewed for second iteration of Computing for Medicine offered through T-CAIREM
October 17, 2024:
Served as a panelist at PSI Foundation Symposium on AI in Medicine and Medical Research
October 08, 2024:
FeverPhone receives Distinguished Paper Award from IMWUT
September 12, 2024:
Presented at the University of Toronto's Colloquium in Applied AI
May 08, 2024:
Participated on panel for TRANSFORM HF's Spring Network Meeting
May 02, 2024:
Delivered keynote at Translational Biology and Engineering Program conference
April 26, 2024:
Delivered keynote at InnoVision for the Chinese Professionals Association of Canada
April 23, 2024:
Presented at the University of Cambridge's Mobile and Wearable Health Seminar Series
November 16, 2023:
Delivered keynote at Applied Research in Action (ARIA) Showcase 2023
March 16, 2023:
Received TRANSFORM HF grant for project on accessible blood pressure monitoring
September 06, 2022:
Interviewed by Canadian Business about the future of fitness trackers
July 21, 2021:
Became an Affiliated Scientist at Techna
April 12, 2021:
Nominated as mHealth Training Institute 2021 Scholar
September 23, 2020:
Article on "Challenges in Health Sensing" Earns Best Paper Runner-Up
September 12, 2020:
Organized UbiComp/ISWC 2020 as Online Co-Chair
August 30, 2020:
Featured in the Greek newspaper Το Βήμα
August 01, 2020:
Became an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto
April 10, 2020:
Helped open-source RDTScan library for automatic RDT interpretation
March 31, 2020:
Helping produce 3D-printed PPE
October 01, 2019:
Started my joint postdoc at the University of Washington and Sage Bionetworks
August 13, 2019:
Article on mHealth challenges published in IEEE Pervasive 2019
June 14, 2019:
Received my PhD
May 30, 2019:
Defended my thesis
April 03, 2019:
Produced the video teaser for CHI 2019
April 02, 2019:
Joined the UIST Program Committee
January 04, 2019:
BiliScreen mentioned in National Geographic Magazine
December 14, 2018:
EE PMP Course featured in video
November 05, 2018:
Spoke at the Fred Hutch mHealth Symposium
October 10, 2018:
Received the Gaetano Borriello Outstanding Student Award at UbiComp 2018
October 09, 2018:
Attended UbiComp 2018
June 24, 2018:
Attended HCIC 2018
April 26, 2018:
Ubicomp Lab featured by NSF
April 25, 2018:
Presented DUI at CHI 2018
March 09, 2018:
BiliScreen and PupilScreen featured by Paul Allen
December 20, 2017:
DUI paper accepted to CHI 2018
November 04, 2017:
Interviewed by Radio New Zealand
September 28, 2017:
Mentioned by Fox News
September 22, 2017:
Nominated as GeekWire's Geek of the Week
September 13, 2017:
Presented BiliScreen and PupilScreen at Ubicomp 2017
September 06, 2017:
Official press release for PupilScreen
August 27, 2017:
Official press release for BiliScreen
June 26, 2017:
PupilScreen article accepted to IMWUT 2017
March 24, 2017:
BiliScreen article accepted to IMWUT 2017
October 19, 2016:
Presented at UW CSE Affiliates
September 13, 2016:
Attended Ubicomp Doctoral School
August 19, 2016:
Presented iPressure at EMBC 2016
April 20, 2016:
Won Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship
February 02, 2016:
Presented iPressure at Microsoft Research Student Summit
April 22, 2015:
Presented SwitchBack at CHI 2015
March 31, 2015:
Awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
December 17, 2014:
SwitchBack paper accepted to CHI 2015